Occupational Therapy

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Best Occupational Therapy in Delhi

Occupational therapy works for anyone (infant/ child/ adult) experiencing physical, psychological and social problems, either from ‘birth’ or as a result of trauma, illness or ageing. Our goal is to help patients have independent, productive, and satisfying lives.
When people cannot participate effectively in the Activities of daily living which are essential to their quality of life, and which we all take for granted – such as having a shower, preparing a favourite meal, getting dressed, or going to work – an Occupational therapist has the ideal skills to improve their functional capacity and therefore quality of life. This can help the individual to develop or recover daily living and work skills, either through the use of purposeful activity or via specialist aids and adaptations (Orthosis/ Splints and Prosthesis/ Artificial limbs).

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Occupational Therapy for Special Needs Children

Specially abled children or children with neurodevelopmental disorders often struggle with daily activities like getting dressed, playing, walking, recognising, communicating or responding. Many are also sensitive towards certain sounds. Connecting to the real world is challenging for them.

Best Occupational therapy in Delhi addresses these issues and helps the child develop their fine motor abilities, basic life skills, cognitive abilities, and good behaviour. The term ‘Occupation’ denotes the everyday tasks that people do to lead their lives. Here it relates to the activities and behaviour expected from a child.

RAHAT provides rehabilitation for:

All Neuropsychiatric conditions like Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Mental retardation, Down’s Syndrome etc (SENSORY INTEGRATION THERAPY)

Special education for slow learners (Learning disability/ Dyslexia)
All Neurological problems like Stroke (Hemiplegia), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Head injuries, Spinal cord injuries, Peripheral nerve disorders, Multiple sclerosis, Ataxia, etc
All disabilities by making their home environment friendly, providing orthosis (splints) and prosthesis (artificial limbs) training.
All Orthopaedic conditions like Arthritis, Low back ache, Cervical spondylitis, Tennis elbow, Ligament tear etc by educating the patient proper Ergonomic principles (preventive measures) and Physical aging modalities.
Best Occupational Therapy in Delhi
Occupational Therapy Treatment